“Very nice hotel. Comfortable bed. Very quiet. Breakfast had a lot of choises. Vehy helpful staff.”
“Clean and quiet room, good WIFI , don't have to login with complex process, taxi service also good”
“The room was cleaned beautifully. Always happy to provide extra water...i think the water should be about 3 bottles per person per day.”
“Sehr gutes Frühstück, Internet offen, keine sperren von Google, Facebook usw....”
“特別稱讚禮賓部主管饒迪先生, 他的熱情親切又貼心的服務, 讓人賓至如歸又印象深刻, 即使地理位置對個人自助遊來說不甚理想的情況下, 仍讓人想再次光臨, 謝謝!”